UiTM Postgraduate Assistance (UPTA)

UiTM Postgraduate Assistance (UPTA)



  • UiTM Postgraduate Teaching Assistant with the short name 'UPTA' was created to replace the Graduate Service Scheme (Skim Khidmat Siswazah – SKS) and Postgraduate Fellowship Scheme.
  • Financial assistance for postgraduate level study (Masters and PhD).
  • Provide opportunities for postgraduate students to develop scholarship through the development of professional skills with working experience as a teaching assistant.



  • Study Mode : Full Time.
  • Type of Programme : Research / Mix Mode / Coursework.
  • Does not receive any financial assistance or scholarship except than MyMaster.
  • First Semester Applicant : Students who obtained GPA of 3.00 and above from previous Bachelor Degree.
  • New & Renewal Applicant : Students who obtained GPA of 3.30 and above (Coursework/Mixed Mode programme) or SM status (Research programme) in the previous semester.


  • PHD
  • Study Mode : Full Time.
  • Type of Programme : Research / Mix Mode / Coursework.
  • Does not receive any financial assistance or scholarship except than MyMaster.
  • PhD Fast Track Applicant (Semester 1) : Students who obtained GPA of 3.75 and above from previous Bachelor.
  • First Semester Applicant : Students who obtained GPA of 3.30 and above from previous Masters. No minimum requirement for Research programme.
  • New & Renewal Applicant : Students who obtained GPA of 3.50 and above (Coursework/Mixed Mode programme) or SM status (Research programme) in the previous semester.



  • Masters : 2 times during the course of study.
  • PhD: 4 times during the course of study.



  • UPTA task generally is to assist and support a course in accordance with the plan education set by the faculty/course coordinator.
  • The scope of work of UPTA is focused on teaching only.
  • A UPTA will act as a tutor/demonstrator in conducting practical classes/tutorials/studio/laboratory under the supervision of a lecturer who will be identified by the faculty.
  • UPTA workload does not exceed 6 hours per week.
  • Differences in the level of eligible courses run by UPTA is in accordance with their education level as follows:
    • Masters student is eligible to conduct courses for Degree or Diploma.
    • PhD student is eligible to conduct courses for the Degree of Master or Bachelor.



  • UPTA will be paid an allowance at the rate of RM25.00 per hour.
  • UPTA is required to pay tuition fees.
  • UPTA has the opportunity to receive IPSis conference funding support subject to processes and procedures.



  • The duration of appointment of UPTA at a time is for 14 weeks (lecture week) per semester.
  • UPTA may be reappointed in the following semester as long as it is not more than the minimum period of study and fulfilling the re-appointment criteria.



  • PHD
  • For reappointment to the next semester UPTA, a GPA of 3.50 is required for Doctoral programs in Mixed Mode or must have a status of Sedang Maju (SM) for Doctoral programs by Research.
  • A maximum of FOUR (4) reappointments are allowed throughout the course of study.
  • The applicant's study duration at UiTM should not exceed the minimum study period outlined by UiTM.
  • Other terms and conditions for reappointment to UPTA are the same as the eligibility criteria for applying for UPTA for the first time.


  • For reappointment to the next semester UPTA, a GPA of 3.30 is required for Master's by Coursework/Mixed Mode or must have a status of Sedang Maju (SM) for Master's by Research.
  • A maximum of TWO (2) reappointments are allowed throughout the course of study.
  • The applicant's study duration at UiTM should not exceed the minimum study period outlined by UiTM.
  • Other terms and conditions for reappointment to UPTA are the same as the eligibility criteria for applying for UPTA for the first time.



  • UPTA scheme application can be made online via the website
  • Selection of students for a UPTA scheme will be made by the Faculty and the offer letter will be issued by IPSis.
  • Please download all relevant forms from the Form & Download section under the Financial Assistant category.




Please take note that students can apply for UPTA starting from 04 March 2024 (Monday) to 29 March 2024 (Friday) 11.59pm.


Thank You

Unit Pembangunan Akademik, Sumber dan Pelajar
Academic Development, Resources & Students


Online Application for Postgraduate Teaching Assistant Scheme  

   Print Offer Letter - Postgraduate Teaching Assistant Scheme

UPTA Calendar






Institut Pengajian Siswazah (IPSis),
Level 4, Bangunan Sarjana,

Universiti Teknologi MARA,
40450 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA


Dean Office: 03-5544 4708
Admission: 03-5544 4733 / 4710 / 4702
Academic: 03-5544 4722 / 4715

Email: ipsis@uitm.edu.my


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Use our Live-Chat (8.30am-4.30pm)
Email: ipsisadmission@uitm.edu.my